Animal Proofing

Animal Proofing & Prevention Services in Kalispell, MT

Preventative Animal Services

Are you currently dealing with an unexpected animal infestation or simply want to animal-proof your property? At Rocky Mountain Wildlife Services, our experienced team of technicians offers you comprehensive preventative wildlife services to ensure your home stays pest-free no matter what. With extensive animal behavioral knowledge and expert methods, our team is able to identify the cause of the issue from the very start. Through inspections and reliable animal-proofing modifications to prevent future problems, we can guarantee your home or business stays damage-free. Head to our Services page to learn more about our Animal Proofing methods.

Trusted Animal Proofing

Prevention of problems before they occur is best. This can be achieved by modifying habitat or animal-proofing your structure. This avoids the need to remove offending wildlife and the cost of repairing the damage done by them. 

If however, a destructive wild animal has already taken up residence we recommend the removal of the animal and then any necessary repairs.

Wildlife is very opportunistic and adaptive. Animals find many different ways to gain access to structures for the creation of den sites. Therefore, Rocky Mountain Wildlife Services have many reliable methods to prevent future problems by installing barriers on and around your home or business. These include: 

Installation of professional-quality chimney caps and screens 

  • Installation of animal-proof screens over attic fans, vents, and other problem areas.
  • Repairing holes in roofs, soffits, gutter lines, ETC. 
  • Eliminating burrowing problems with a buried screen around stoops, decks, sheds, barns, and foundations.
  • Most repairs and preventive animal proofing are guaranteed for 3 years against animal intrusions. 
  • Some repairs may require professional carpentry attention. If this is the case we will provide a temporary solution until this can be arranged.

Get a professional to resolve your wildlife problem, call (406) 351-1875 now!

Get a professional to resolve your wildlife problem, call (406) 351-1875 now!

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